[2023], Imposing World (structure), Inf. Environment
Seeking a way to escape from imposed directions and meanings, the experience space sought is the transformation through intimacy.
[2023], Imposing World (visual expanded), Inf. Environment
The experience sought is the transformation through intimacy.

[2023], Imposing World (poetic structure), Inf. Environment

[2023], The power of wringing, Exhibition–Publication
Moving away from representation and focusing more on a process, the physicality of movement (wringing) tends to escape the intentions, less as a position of contradiction and more as an exploration through practice.
Ikat: “to tie”, in a Malay–Indonesian Language.

[2022], A movement from within, Exhibition
Is it difficult to capture the feeling of fear? Exhibition in conversation with fear and protection. “the kernel is not able to be seen but gives me strength, do you know what I mean?”, “I ask you to share your trick. 'Spring forward' was the reply to me”, “I will look for it, the heat of my thorax a movement from within..”. Two printed vests carry bits of conversation. Made in collaboration with
multi–disciplinary designer Urjuan Toosy.

[2021], Gath er wat, Cultural Identity, gath(er)wat(er)
The ‘gath er wat’ is a symposium that acts as a tool for dialogue prompted by water. The merely natural cause like water, will try to redefine some established meaning and life pattern. Why water? Because water a lot of times is not visible while other times it can take other forms (liquid, solid, vapour, drop) whereas other times it can give life (plants, humans) and other times it corrodes and rusts the hardest irons. According to the philosopher Heraclitus and his phrase ‘everything flows’, everything is liquid and nothing remains the same. This symposium will be driven by discussions, experiential performances and workshops (live and virtual), from different fields. Through this experience ’gath er wat’ asks how and why artists, designers or others, gather information/knowledge and then how all of these ‘gather' with others. The programme will try to connect different fields, but from an artistic lense, in order to gather them from all parts of life.

[2020], [b]lock, Debate Poster
From private space to apartment, from apartment to house, from house to city block, from city block to city flats.
Block or lock, a typographic debate of motion of architecture blocking.

[2020], Conch 305, online Exhibition
Conch /kahnk/. the animal that lives inside the shell.
The “Conch 305” is an html file which allows visitors to hear the sound of my apartment 305 or to create their own sounds by mixing these fixed sounds. In some cases the shell becomes a home for sea marine creatures and in other cases becomes a speaker to hear sounds. When you put the shell near your ear you can hear different sounds. There are two different claims how these sounds are created. The first claim argues that these sounds are created when the air pass through the shell [summary: sounds from the environment] and the second claim suggests that these sounds are the echo of our blood, which passes through the blood vessels of our ears [summary: sounds from you]. Whichever claim is correct or you select, the shell acts as a speaker. This exhibition virtually transfers us in the apartment 305 in order to better understand these two different claims (through the headphones - instead of shells - which you find inside the apartment). You can visit the exhibition and you can hear the sounds of the apartment separately through different headphones. Just select any headphone that you want to play a sound [summary: sounds from the environment of apartment]. If you want to experiment you can select more that one headphone to play many sounds simultaneously. This way you can find the audio mix that reflects your own ID [summary: sounds from you]. The exhibition is interactive so feel free to visit the above link and start experimenting with the audio bar (the sounds play in loop, you can start and pause any time as well as adjust the volume).
Before you start the exhibition, please could you wet your feet just like when you enter the sea?
(when you visit the link maybe it is necessary to zoom out/in in order to see the whole frame, also this is best viewed using google chrome).
exhibition link: https://qq5r8lve04ciw86vfhsh3a-on.drv.tw/Apartment_305/html5_output/
[2020], Movement, Distilling Core Research Method
Animation videos as a result of formative research.
Which of these movements (physical or virtual) “move” the idea?
[2018], nc, Flamenco-Dance, New Programme
Lessons by Yiota Peklari (Choreographer/Dance Teacher),
NC is the link between Flamenco and Dance. The purpose is to break the norm of traditional flamenco and, by participating in this new program, learn both flamenco as well as dance in its wider sense.

[2016], Reality, Construction of Heroes
What is an illusion for you, is the only reality we have. 6 heroes from the book ‘6 Characters in Search of an Author, (Italian play by Luigi Pirandello 1921) in true form.

[2019], Promenade, Poster
Seeking paths of communication through an afternoon dancing walk, to celebrate the completion of 10 years of operation of PLAYGROUND for the arts.

[2020], kits-kitsch, Initial Project
Conference of kitsch term, discovering what exactly is kitch? is it ironic or self-ironic?
Approach, is not the object but the state in which it is involved.